Nick:szymon8 Dodano:2006-07-03 21:00:56 Url: Wpis:Nie wiem co napisac :) W kazdym razie jest fajnie :)
Nick:Muad Dodano:2004-06-23 22:10:30 Wpis:Philosophy tomorrow... and as usual I don't give a fuck.
I'll get nervous just before an exam... or I'll take a drink
I can see then niether of you had time to write anything here... you are probably sitting with all those notes and books and learn them by heart.
Pshh... Woe to you!
Why the long face?
Nick:Muad Dodano:2004-06-22 13:01:14 Wpis:Niah, Niah!
I feel almost like a star... LOL ... a site with MEEE!!
.. and now seriously:
Nick:Grucha Dodano:2004-06-01 12:06:19 Wpis:Well yes you do Mr Weber...
Nick:Weberek Dodano:2004-05-22 12:58:08 Wpis:I don't want to appear stupid but it seems to me that i look quite stupid on the only photo on this site that show my face
Nick:Stoba Dodano:2004-04-25 18:35:06 Wpis:What's up yo? nice site.nice pictures. pozdro for IX lo graduates.
Nick:Michu Dodano:2004-04-23 18:21:42 Wpis:Well Grucha, your post will not remain unnoticed and thus the big fat pineapple will be put into Sebastian's arse in no time. I am almost certain that he won't enjoy it. And if he do, he is just a homosexual sado-masochist then.
Nick:Grucha Dodano:2004-04-20 12:07:56 Wpis:I do not wish to appear rude but this Sebastian guy used THE FORBIDDEN LANGUAGE and mustb be punished!My suggestion is putting a BIG FAT Pineapple into his anus!
Nick:Grucha Dodano:2004-03-30 13:24:30 Wpis:I appologise but it appears that I have made a mistake.Beyond all doubt it was only a slip of the keyboard.Nonetheless be a good language learner,make use of such a great opportunity to practise English and locate the above mentioned mistake.As a reward you will be given top secret codes which will allow you to visit my website.

A brutal realization hit me:
I have no f***ing idea who called the department I am studying at at the moment The Fun & Games Department.This lesson has nothing to do with fun and even less with games.As a matter of fact it is so tedious that in comparisson to it prof. Turewicz's lectures are The Super Bowl.Thank God we are allowed to use the Internet.Praise THE LORD.

While browsing the net I have incidentally found a tam-da-da-da-ta-da-dam joke!
What striked me was that it was a joke about Polish.

It goes like this:
-Do you know what was the most fatal aircrash in Polish history?
-No,tell me
-It was when a small cesna152 crashed into a cemetary.Polish Rescue Forces after doing some digging found 875 passengers dead. It is estimated that the number will increase as the works will continue...

HA HA HA(ironical laughter from pedagogics)

Wasn't that funny? Now I've got an idea.
Let the contest for the best joke about these morons Americans begin! Rewards shall be given to the best!Are YOU UP TO THE CHALLENGE?
Nick:Grucha Dodano:2004-03-30 12:17:24 Wpis:I am trapped at in my computer education class at The Fun & Games Department of Uniwersytet Szczeciński so I am doing the only reasonable thing to do.Visiting this amazing and breathtaking website.Keep up the good work dude!
Nick:dejf Dodano:2004-03-29 21:01:40 Wpis:nice Michu, really nice you ugly bastardo
what a fantastic entry it was... but ok, i shall show you how to use proper english!

anyway, i WAS first, but this dreadful and menacing creature simply deleted my entry, just because he could do this, yeah - you got it right, he just used his dark powers to be the first in the guestbook! the punishment shall be severe!

mhm so and also i shall just rewrite what i had written earlier... so it was something like this:

Data is an operator of a teleporting machine (i realise that everybody knows that), advertisments of coca cola can be quite profitable, and google site sux as much as this one. yeah, more or less the same i suppose...

oh and one more thing, which is promoting myself. well... as you probably have already made some inferences, i am a handsome, robust, mega fucking cool and brave lad who has to endure the hardship of being with Michu in one group. But seriously... seriously, i am even cooler than a cucumber.

Yet, as i do not want to teach my grandmother how to suck eggs so and also to fall between two stools, i shall vanish like a vampire from the dark abyss of pure evil. Data, teleportation... NOW
Nick:Michu Dodano:2004-03-29 19:44:18 Wpis:Yo. Hehehe i am first here RESPECT!!! Ps. Dawid your entry has been deleted due to an improper use of Polish language. sorry ;p