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Nick:Phrizee Dodano:2004-03-06 16:06:24 Wpis:kiepsko rysujesz...
Nick:Nala Dodano:2004-03-04 02:35:00 Url:www.nalafontaine.com Wpis:Yeah.. I'm wondering what kind of art to add to your gallery... I would really like to do a nice drawing of a monster, not enough monsters ^_^.
I'm stressed out with work here... just REALLY STRESSED.
I don't mind a little Polish, I got a little translation book... I can't find a good one though.
Oh, and would you MIND replying to my e-mails, Wojtek
Nick:Wojtek Dodano:2004-03-02 09:02:58 Wpis:Będzie :-D
Nick:Kyo Dodano:2004-03-01 17:09:55 Wpis:O_o jaki artwork?
Runshin, pokash ;>
Nick:Runshin Dodano:2004-03-01 11:50:35 Wpis:Będzie tam mój artwork?
Nick:Veda Dodano:2004-02-29 15:07:34 Url:www.vedoos.blog.pl Wpis:yeeeah...tommorow my net will go faster and that means i can Download all e-mails i want (and those scans :P)...and upupupup will be?...that's greeeaaat :D...cya
Nick:veda Dodano:2004-02-28 17:43:34 Url:www.vedoos.blog.pl Wpis:hm...just do the project and we will think about the Title :D...and i must wait 3 days...the my net will come back (i mean now is slow...) and i'll see those scans :D...see ya
Nick:Wojtek Dodano:2004-02-27 20:30:13 Url:www.guardianmanga.prv.pl Wpis:Amen! ^_^
By the way, there's an update scheduled sometime this coming week, so stay tuned.
For now we'll have some additions for the gallery section, but I'm beginning to think about putting up some info on the upcoming project. What I still need, though, is a good TITLE...
Nick:Veda Dodano:2004-02-27 17:46:48 Wpis:not everything :)...for Phrizee we must write some of those in Polish cause he can't read it...he is just stupid XDD
Nick:Runshin Dodano:2004-02-26 09:13:20 Wpis:Yeah... Everybody should write in english.
Nick:Veda Dodano:2004-02-24 20:41:05 Url:www.vedoos.blog.pl Wpis:Yo Nala-chan :D...btw:Good work you've did in Guardian...i can't stop reading it cause it's very good :D...geez it's hard to write it in english...you know...it's just because i'm from Poland :/...and i learn english only 8 years -.-...and teachers are stupid :/...i have 5 from English (A+ or something :D)

a teraz po polsku...mi Forum nie działa bo inter mi pada...gupie chello =='...ja ne

PS do Wojtka...czekam czekam :D..mail nie przychodzi ;)
Nick:Nala Dodano:2004-02-24 03:36:11 Url:www.nalafontaine.com Wpis:Ah, finaly, something in English... I can't read much Polish. I'm gonna learn it, I got lots of reasons.
Anyway... so I was going over the book that I just got the previous week. ^u^ SOOOOooo happy to see how it ends. I laughed a bit thinking of how we worked on it. I really did have fun, others are saying I should do the graphic novel stuff as part time. I'm just so busy now, but I can't help but work on ideas.
AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! I'm going crazy.
Nick:Wojtek Dodano:2004-02-24 00:08:49 Url:www.guardianmanga.prv.pl Wpis:Tiaaa.... phrizee strikes back, jak zawsze. Ech...
Nick:Kyo Dodano:2004-02-23 18:38:57 Wpis:Nie, nie tylko ty tak masz. Ja także próbuję się dostać, ale nie da się -_-" ...
Być może coś im się znowu psuje z 4um....
Nick:Runshin Dodano:2004-02-23 12:52:41 Wpis:Czy ja jestem poszkodowany czy forum kasenu znowu zostało zamknięte?
Pukam, pukam, walę i tak nie chce się otworzyć!
Nick:Veda Dodano:2004-02-21 18:29:40 Url:www.vedoos.blog.pl Wpis:what he said ;D...kidding...do phrizze:
masz coś do metali??...no i poważnie...ty nie robisz wiochy nam...ty jesteś wiochą ;P...end
Nick:Runshin Dodano:2004-02-18 08:56:13 Wpis:Hah! You said our polish mangas are good? That is a news! You must be thankful, Wojtek for those kind words you recieved...
Nick:Vanessa S. Quest Dodano:2004-02-18 03:08:27 Url:Aniichan's Art Rules Wpis:Guardian is a project that I had the fortune of seeing from the beginning and got to watch it grow from seed into a blossom, well... um, aniichan- you rock at the art, and could I *read* Polish I'm sure I'd be saying the same about stories. Good luck with your next project and I can't wait to get to work on the THIRD project! ^_~ I'll be submitting in some art as you know, let me know how it is everybody!

Nick:Phriee Dodano:2004-02-17 16:56:03 Wpis:masz racje nie bedize sie obnizal do ich poziomu :P
Nick:Runshin Dodano:2004-02-17 11:41:32 Wpis:Jesus Christ Invictus Spiritus Sancti!!!
Phrizee!!! Robisz nam wszystkim wiochę! Opanuj się trochę, bo nie będę dla was rysował, tak nas poniżasz!!! Jakiś poziom tych konwersacji musi być, kurfuks!
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