Nick:Paper smerf
Dodano:2003-09-15 10:46:40
Wpis:...och ten Gagan,chyba po prostu brakuje mu obecności, ale z drugiej strony Knox jest także dobry w tym co zrobił wspólnie z Wujkiem Dejfem...nie sądze aby ojczym Martin dał sobie w kaszę dmuchać i przyjął z otwartymi rękoma kogoś nie z Essex ;P
Dodano:2003-09-14 19:54:20
Wpis:jedna z ostatnich wypowiedzi wujka davida:"...I know I'm definitely going to keep moving forward when it comes to writing songs, working with different people,'' Gahan says. "If Martin wants to come along with that and we want to call it Depeche Mode, that's fine. I'm not asking him to have us sit down and collaborate, that's not something I know he's even interested in doing right now. Just be open to the idea that he could help me with ideas, and I could help him with ideas and we could come together and be very strong. That would be enough. But I'm not sure that's there...''.
Nick:wcale nie puszysty
Dodano:2003-09-14 16:47:51
Wpis:chodzą mi po głowie homoseksualne świństwa jak czytam tą stronę
Dodano:2003-09-14 15:30:14
Wpis:Pozdro dla wszystkich!!!! Piotrek - powodzenia 16.09 na egzaminie!!!!!!!
Dodano:2003-09-14 00:26:29
wszystkich zainteresowanych wyjazdem z FC USELESS do Katowic informuje że następują zmiany w organizacji.
!!! Nie dotyczą one osób które już wpłaciły piniądze na rezerwacje autokaru.
pozdrawiam do zobaczenia 19.09 w Tropsie
Dodano:2003-09-13 23:19:11
Wpis:jestem poraz pierwszy na stronie i jest ok. a Tak w ogóle to nie wiedziałem ze w Poznaniu fan klub DM. Pozdrowienia z Szamotuł!
Dodano:2003-09-12 11:26:41
Wpis:"Młodość ma swoje prawa"...;}} wreszcie ktoś pomyślał o tym co inni chcą usłyszeć na czarodziejskich imprezach DM ;P
...moje typy to:
*"Waiting for the night",
*"Blue Dress","I am you","Uselink",
*"World in my eyes","Flexible", dowolna maxi version "Never let me...",
*"The Bottom Line","Fly on the windscreen",
*"Condemnation","Dressed in black"," A question of time",
*"Sweetest Perfection","Shine","Dream On"
...doskonale zdaję sobie sprawę,że są to niezbyt imprezowe kawałki,oprócz dwuch czy trzech, jednak są one lubiane przez dużą liczbę depeszy!!!Depeche Mode to nie tylko "Enjoy..." czy "I feel...",niestety nawet takie niezaprzeczalne hiciory mogą się po jakimś czasie znudzić...;[, dlategoteż, taka mała zmiana w kierunku nieco spokojniejszo-klimatyczno-staroświeckim będzie odrobiną świerzości i może strzałem w 10-tkę, chociaż z drugiej strony, także i te utwory mogą swoim spokojem zabić "na śmierć".
...mjeżdunarodnyje forum eta oczjeń charaszo...;D
Dodano:2003-09-11 23:18:14
Wpis:spełniam życzenie, poproszę o jakiegoś nie emitowanego jeszcze na imprezie mixa "behind the wheel" (jest ich pewnie milion)a poza tym wiecej "speak and spell'a" to taka urocza płytka...uwielbiam ją "boys say go" albo "whats your name?"; a poza tym można by tu zrobić mini-portal lingwistyczny, jeśli ktoś zna starocerkiewnosłowiański albo suahili tudzież mongolski niech się fpisze, zrobi się prawdziwa globalna wioskapozdrowienia dla wszystkich, szczególnie dla julievny (witaj na łonie ojczyzny)
Dodano:2003-09-11 19:08:06
Wpis:no tak... z młodymi nie ujedziesz, ale spoko
lepiej zróbcie, to o co prosił Prezes i napiszcie na tej oto stronie tytuły utworów, które chcielibyście usłyszeć na imprezkach w Tropsie (albo wyślijcie na mail:
pozdrawiam i dzięki ta te listy, które już dostałam
Dodano:2003-09-11 13:28:22
Wpis:...a jednak się przydają...także ćwiczenia! jest "eassy" a powinno być "easy" ;}}
Dodano:2003-09-11 12:25:10
Wpis:wszy po "Shamtu"........dlaczego języki obce są takie drogie??!wymiekam:-/
Dodano:2003-09-11 08:44:21
Wpis:Każde ćwiczenie przed maturą z j.angielskiego jest wskazane...pozostałym mogę jedynie poradzić "Easy English"...
Dodano:2003-09-10 15:50:29
Wpis:przypominam o ustawie o ochronie języka ojczystego, a jak Wam się nudzi to zróbcie raz jeszcze zeszłoroczne zadania domowe z j. angielskiego
Dodano:2003-09-10 13:21:47
Wpis:....Let me drop you a line.
....Ala,your book,your gift for me, their and my Hadises.New Hadises written by Steve Malins.Don't make me write about you, we know what is between us, so let me leave it now...
I'm obliged to Peter & Piter for their attendance and existence.It was very nice that you were with me at DA BOGOTA KLAB!!!Thanks to you, some of my friends learn,what "davedancing" really is...
.....Also thanks to you (P&P),I was feeling very freely, whithout restraint.My friends had been convinced that I'm strange...but when they saw you...they have granted absolution to me ;P....
.........Despite the fact that the party wasn't as grand as I wanted it to be, in spite of the fact that I wasn't smilling all the time, although I haqven't danced with my "Archangle Gabriel 1,2,3", when the Depeche Mode's songs had started ...I knew that the floor, the night and partybelongs to us.Depeche Mode's fanatics...
.....Up to this day I can feel all my muscles! I'm very pleased about being on my party with such crazy,pleasant, intelligence boys. I'm holding you in high esteem!!!
.....It isn't important that attendance was so low,at the begining it was good,it was very intimate, cosy party.Also atmosphere was really warm.
.....It's important that I have spent that night with my family and my friends.For me, in contrast to some people, the most important thing is QUALITY, not QUANTITY!
.....I can't say what was the gift that I was given,because than, you will be inviteing to came to everyone's parties!!!
.....Natally( thx 4 your wishes),Piter, Peter I'm very gratitude!!!You know about it.Don't you ?!?...almost 11 hours of music!!!
.....I can't list and greet all my guests,but they know how important they are for me.I love you girls and guys.
.....Patrycja & Filip,ciągl pamiętam o prezencie od was.Avers kartki znajduje się nad moim biurkiem a płyta grzeje się w cieple lasera...
......Yours gifts only conforming that Depeche Mode are great band!!!Marti, Dave, Alan, Andy, your music is verydeep in my heart.4 -Ever!!!
................Now,while writting this text, I have 'Insight" on mind,so if you want to understand what I'm thinking about...just play it!
.............THE WORD STILTURNS...........
*after reading this text, after "Isight":
*open the window
*turn down the light
*lay without the shirt on the comfortable,cool sheet
*close your eyes...
...and play "Blue Dress" & "Clean"
.........than tell ma how was it?.......
...nie dostałam owych 3 maili,Twój serwer rzeczywiście nawalił.
Dodano:2003-09-09 12:15:47
Wpis:There's been alot of unease amongst Depeche Mode's fans in the wake of Martin Gore and Dave Gahan's solo album and all the mudslinging that ensued. Andy Fletcher has started a new record label, but denies to rumours of an imminent split-up.
Andy Fletcher is in Stockholm to launch the electro-duo Client, the first band signed to his own label Toast Hawaii. As a member of the worlds biggest synth-band, he's used to superstar treatment, private planes, limos and luxury hotels. Now that he's travelling with Client as their resident DJ, he's all of a sudden back to carrying instruments and rooms not much bigger than a closet.
"It's fun. Reminds me of the early days with Depeche Mode." Andy started Toast Hawaii when the band took a break after their last album "Exciter". At the same time his fellow bandmembers Martin Gore and Dave Gahan each released their own solo records this fall, and for a while it looked like Depeche Mode had finally drawn their last breath.
"Martin's already begun writing songs for a new album", says Fletcher. When Gahan's done touring in November and had a few months off, the band are heading back into the studio. "We're supposed to start recording in March of next year, and then release another album in the Spring of 2005".
As the third member of Depeche Mode, Fletcher has often been caught in the middle of singer Dave and songwriter Martin. But according to Fletcher, the band would not have lasted 20 years without him.
"Depeche Mode is the love of my life and I think the others feel the same way. We're proud of what we've accomplished and I think we've still got more really good albums in us".
How many?
"I dunno, maybe two. Rolling Stones are still touring, but their albums are dreadful. We don't wanna end up in a similar situation."
Malin Dahlberg/TT Spektra/Metro Avis SwedenTranslation: Peter @ EW3
Article taken with thanks from
Dodano:2003-09-08 16:41:16
Wpis:po prostu na*****ala mnie łeb
Nick:Personal Jesus
Dodano:2003-09-08 12:07:52
Wpis:First of all I would like to thank Elisabetha and Alice for inviting us on their 18th birthday party in da Bogota Klab!!! Yee! Thanks girls you're great and the party wasn't so bad about the music...but the problem was that me and my companion were two motherfucking depeche's on this party...and that's just one fucking bullshit. I can't believe that nobody else came from our site. Second: I thank Peter for his DM support - when everybody was looking at us, because we looked like two men taken from the past...better Past. And when the "Never Let Me..." starts, we knew this night will belong to us.
To Alice&Alizee
Dodano:2003-09-08 11:37:15
Wpis:Wczoraj wrocilam do Polski z pieknej Kanady i oczywiscie pierwsza rzecza,jaka zobaczylam,byl rozwalajacy sie terminal lotniczy, potem nawalony kierowca autobusu, polskie drogi, ludzie sprzedajacy jagody itp...Co za dolina...Poza tym nie ma nic tak milego jak jet lag...Mimo to sciskam, pozdrawiam i nie moge sie doczekac spotkania z Wami na depotece.
Dodano:2003-09-08 09:08:20
Wpis:Pozdr. dla Luckiego, jezioro & matrix rulezzz, cu and reloaded today ?? qmf way
Dodano:2003-09-04 16:09:53
Wpis:Aluniu!!!!!!!!!!!!To ja i pozdrawiam też tylko i wyłącznie CIEBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See You Soon!!!!!!!!!