=)NG(= Rulezzz for all eternity

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Nick:def Dodano:2005-01-23 16:32:16 Wpis:ponawiam prozbe o danie bana najtowi na xksiegi :> do czasu az sie uspokoii :D
Nick:=)NG(=Andrew Dodano:2005-01-23 15:50:49 Wpis:najts gone crazy Oo
Nick:STiNG Dodano:2005-01-23 14:28:51 Wpis:Najt od kiedy ty sie zrobiłeś takim soado maniakiem?::P i lepiej daj link odrazu do strony z textami:D a tak btw kult ma leprze texty ale jedkan tre piosenki soda brzmią lepiej:P daj jeszcze spiders jesli jeszcze niedałeś:D
Nick:Nightmar Dodano:2005-01-23 13:17:37 Wpis:Hey you, see me, pictures crazy,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,
I've got, nothing, to gain, to lose,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore.
Hey you, are me, not so pretty,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,
Silent my voice, I've got no choice
All the world I've seen before me passing by,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
I don't see, anymore,
I don't hear, anymore,
I don't speak anymore,
I don't feel.
Hey you, see me, pictures crazy,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,
I've got, nothing, to gain, to lose,
All the world I've seen before me passing by,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore,
You don't care about how I feel,
I don't feel it anymore
I don't sleep, anymore,
I don't eat, anymore,
I don't live anymore,
I don't feel.
Nick:STiNG Dodano:2005-01-23 12:35:36 Wpis:Najt ty słuchasz soda?:P a text johnego(soda of korZ) zeczywiscie zkłania do myślenia jak łupi s****ysyn:P
Nick:=)NG(=Andrew Dodano:2005-01-23 11:32:53 Wpis:Hmmm...

wykonawca: shithead (chyba;p)
tytuł: shithead 2003

Eat that SHIT HEAAAD (basiq, basiq, basiq) Eat that SHIT HEAAAD (basiq, basiq, basiq)

Nick:def Dodano:2005-01-23 00:38:38 Wpis:ja ci tez zapodam zlozona piosenke

typ muzy:
nazwa utworu:
Here's Johny

HERE's JONHY ... i piekny bas ... Here's Johny .... ^^
Nick:Nightmar Dodano:2005-01-22 23:49:09 Wpis:Dlatego dam wam kolejną dawke ;p

Hello, my name is Johnny
Well hello my name is Johnny
I would like to explain myself
And I would like to complain in vein

Sweet little boy
Sweet Little Boy
Let me show you the way to my
Let me show you the way to my
Let me help you explain your mind
When I help you explain your mind

'ello my name is Roger
Well hello my name is roger
I would like to proclaim myself
A god
And likely ordain myself

Sweet little boy
Sweet little boy

Let me show you the way to my
Let me show you the way to my
Let me help you explain your mind
When I help you explain your mind

Let me show you the way to my
Let me show you the way to my
let me help you explain your mind
When I help you explain your mind

Sweet little boy
Sweet little boy
Know as roger

Let me show you the way to my
Let me show you the way to my
Let me help you explain your mind
When I help you explain your mind
Let me show you the way to my
Let me show you the way to my
Let me help you explain your mind
When I help you explain your mind
Nick:Nightmar Dodano:2005-01-22 22:54:16 Wpis:A szkoda że tego nie czytacie bo to skłaina do myślenia

I wasn't there for you,
I wasn't there for you,
I know the weathers gonna be fine,
But I can't see you cross the streamline,
My love waits for me in daytime,
But I cant see you through the snowblind,
I wasn't there for you,
You are gone,
I wasn't there for you,
Goodbyes are long,
I wasn't there for you,
I wasn't there for goodbye,
I wasn't there for goodbye...

Light now, Time reveals in highnsight,
nd I can't wrestle with the stormy night,
Because your love lasts a lifetime,
But I can't see you through the snowblind
I wasn't there for you,
You are gone,
I wasn't there for you,
Goodbyes are long,
You are gone,
I wasn't there for you,
Goodbyes are long, Goodbye...
I wasn't there for you,
Now you are gone,
I wasn't there for you,
I wasn't there for you,
You are gone,
I wasn't there for you,
Goodbye, so long,
Nick:Nightmar Dodano:2005-01-22 22:48:59 Wpis:Life is but a dream Drifting on a stream, a stream
Consciously it seems all of what remains
EGO BRAIN man made shame,
shame Long after it rains
You see my pain is real
Watch my world dissolve
And pretend that none of us see the fall
As I turn to sand you took me by the hand
And declared that love prevails over all
I am just a man fighting other man for land, for land
While I turn to sand in spite of the pain
EGO BRAIN man made shame,
shame Long after it rains
You see my pain is real Watch my world dissolve
And pretend that none of us see the fall
As I turn to sand you took me by the hand
And declared that love prevails over all
All of what remains
EGO BRAIN man made shame,
shame Long after it rains
You see my pain is real
Watch my world dissolve
And pretend that none of us see the fall
As I turn to sand you took me by the hand
And declared that love prevails over all
Long after it rains
Nick:wiq Dodano:2005-01-22 22:48:07 Wpis:eh ;p on to tu specjalnie zapodal nam na zlosc ;p jako ze fczesniej pisalismy ze nie bedziemy czytac tamtego krotszego ;p to teraz mial focha zeby zapodac dluzsze hehe ;p najt zlosniq ;p
Nick:dyktator def Dodano:2005-01-22 22:15:31 Wpis:najt myslisz ze ktos to przeczyta, tym bardziej ze to po angielsku jest ?? :> dupa, ja napewno nie wezmne sie za to :P
Nick:Nightmar Dodano:2005-01-22 22:04:29 Wpis:They're trying to build a prison, They're trying to build a prison,

Following the rights movements You clamped on with your iron fists, Drugs became conveniently Available for all the kids, Following the rights movements You clamped on with your iron fists, Drugs became conveniently Available for all the kids,

I buy my crack, I smack my bitch, Right here in Hollywood,

Nearly 2 million Americans are incarcerated In the prison system, prison system, Prison system of the U.S.

They're trying to build a prison, They're trying to build a prison, They're trying to build a prison, (for you and me to live in) Another prison system, Another prison system, Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)

Minor drug offenders fill your prisons You don't even flinch All our taxes paying for your wars Against the new non-rich, Minor drug offenders fill your prisons You don't even flinch All our taxes paying for your wars Against the new non-rich,

The percentage of Americans in the prison system Prison system, has doubled since 1985,

All research and successful drug policy show That treatment should be increased, And law enforcement decreased, While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences, All research and successful drug policy show That treatment should be increased, And law enforcement decreased, While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences.

Utilizing drugs to pay for secret wars around the world, Drugs are now your global policy, Now you police the globe,

Drug money is used to rig elections, And train brutal corporate sponsored Dictators around the world.
Nick:def Dodano:2005-01-22 19:02:22 Url:http://www.compfused.com/directlink/574/ Wpis:wchodzic i ogladac ;]... pikne ^^'
Nick:=)NG(=Andrew Dodano:2005-01-22 18:41:14 Wpis:jesio ktoś? ;> Sapeq! ^^
Nick:def Dodano:2005-01-22 18:05:29 Wpis:jestem tu :>
Nick:Gorion Dodano:2005-01-22 17:58:07 Wpis:32000 osoba
AoZ reaktywowany :D
Nick:Faz Dodano:2005-01-22 17:14:41 Wpis:czee wszystkim co tam slychać?
Nick:wiq Dodano:2005-01-22 17:13:11 Wpis:bleh ja tam przeczytalam ze po "posilku" a nie ze po "polsku" ;p ale to nic -.-' :P
Nick:wiq Dodano:2005-01-22 17:05:54 Wpis:hiehie indid andq ;D dżast lajk mi ;p ino ze ja wlasnie akuratnie f tymze momencichu spozywam owy posilek czy raczej nalezy to juz nazwac wieczerzo ;p ostatnio :P
btw Gadzio RoX! :D ^^ end jesce ktos.. ^^'
Nick:=)NG(=Andrew Dodano:2005-01-22 15:40:52 Wpis:Najt.... Jak ja widzę taki długi post po poslku, to czytam co 2 zdanie ;p A ten twój po ingliszu wogóle opuszczam ;p
Nick:Nightmar Dodano:2005-01-22 14:29:32 Wpis:Wake up, Grab a brush and put a little (makeup), Grab a brush and put a little, Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup) Hide the scars to fade away the, Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? Here you go create another fable

You wanted to, Grab a brush and put a little makeup, You wanted to, Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup, You wanted to, Why'd you leave the keys upon the table, You wanted to,

I don't think you trust, In, my, self righteous suicide, I, cry, when angels deserve to die, Die,

Father, Father, Father, Father, Father/ Into your hands/I/commend my spirit, Father, into your hands,

Why have you forsaken me, In your eyes forsaken me, In your thoughts forsaken me, In your heart forsaken, me oh,
Nick:lodzio Dodano:2005-01-22 13:58:15 Wpis:pis end harmony ;p

sf rulez cya ;p

(cos mnie tak naszlo zaznaczyc swoja piekna stope tu ;p)
Nick:STiNG Dodano:2005-01-22 13:41:18 Wpis:A po polskiemu?:P
Nick:Nightmar Dodano:2005-01-22 13:17:04 Wpis:Sting Life is a waterfall, We're one in the river, And one again after the fall ;)
Nick:STiNG Dodano:2005-01-22 13:12:30 Wpis:Jak na chirurgii plastycznej to ja chetnie sie pod tym podpisze ; P
Nick:JaBBa Dodano:2005-01-22 11:11:05 Wpis::PPP Na R-ce a potem na chirurgi
Nick:=)NG(=Andrew Dodano:2005-01-22 11:09:21 Wpis:Wkurzają mnie takie cioty, co spamuja na brushu :E Te spamy wyglądają podobnie jak te z ksiegi RM :/ Jakbym debila dorwał, to na chirurgi by wylądował :E
Nick:STiNG Dodano:2005-01-22 10:24:49 Wpis:Wiesz mieć dułgie włosy a miec dułgie włosy i zjechanego ryja to mała ruznica ; P
Nick:JaBBa Dodano:2005-01-22 09:42:44 Wpis:ja tyz mam dlugie wlosy :D. Nie jest tak zle :D Ale nie wiem co za ciota tam dawala jakiegos czarnego goscia i zaspamowala brusha ;D
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