Siema!!! Odwiedziles strone najlepszych pijaczkow na swiecie!!! Zapodaj wpis :D

Nick:alcia2 Dodano:2006-07-03 22:46:38 Url: Wpis:Bardzo fajna stronka
Nick:mkmm Dodano:2005-11-20 23:15:40 Wpis:I do not think I can write anything in the name of my classmates , because in my opinion it would have been just wrong ; what's more , I'm sure I would have mistaken. As about my expectations , I didn't sign here thinking it will be very hard piece of work , though getting a good mark without any working wouldn't have been satisfying.

That's why I'm expecting from course to be neither harder nor easier than in school ; what I do not want at all is to come out from it brainwashed. Unhappily , either laziness or too many work can make me that - what makes a risk , obviously ; although a bigger risk is losing contact with language. Of course , language would have a certain grim satisfaction , if I lost to him after not using it for a while ; but I'm not going to lose. This reason is probably most important , apart from marks. Or even more than marks.

But , well - Internet course as an umeowase for normal courses should be in my opinion also a form of a relax ; working incessantly in English lessons at school , I think most of us have fairly earned the way of learning offering in the same time a knowledge , repose and gossip. That's what creating bonds between course members is for , am I right? In my opinion that's a good idea.

I haven't look into materials and tests yet , though I suppose that they will give students a possibility not only to learn boring formules , but as well to see a living language , with dialects , net-Engrish or even (as a curiosity of some kind) l33t English. Considering the enormous number of language variations , which were created by a modern world , I could say that most of them should be listed here - even if not all of them has to be used (and not all of them SHOULD be used at all) students should just get to know where to look for a wider info. No one is able to teach anyone all english words , so in my opinion showing the sources (well , era of globalisation , that's when we live) is the most appropriate way to make students keeping an eye at changes in language.
Nick:Ewula (Żubrzyk) Dodano:2005-04-03 17:12:50 Wpis:Ja być Żubr , Ja mieszkać w puszczy i ja być pod wielkim wrażeniem!!!

P.S jak bedzie jakas aktualizacja stronki to prosze mnie poinformowac :D
Nick:sylwusia Dodano:2005-03-29 13:20:19 Wpis:Aj Chmieluś chmielus! Wpasc na taki genialny pomysl :) Dołącz tu tylko jakies foteccki :D
Pozdrówki :D
Nick:ewahihi Dodano:2005-01-29 16:15:44 Wpis:siemanko aj chmieluty to masz pomysł co za twórcza nazwa tej strony zaraz obejrze zdjęcia coś czuje że to będzie kompletna kompromitacja
Nick:alusia Dodano:2005-01-29 08:57:00 Wpis:hihihihi here i go again! kurcze no pierwsza jestem na liście squadu i az sie wzruszylam pewnie wszyscy myślicie ze to z powodu mojego durnego imeinia na a tak mnie alfabetczynie ustawil chmielu ale nie mylicie sie moja wielkosc jest tak wspaniala ze jestem 1 hihihih :*
Nick:chmiel Dodano:2005-01-28 14:08:52 Wpis:Ulka nie ma problemu czat pojawi sie wkrotce
Nick:alusia Dodano:2005-01-28 11:02:46 Wpis:a! toś to siok! jejciu moja krew mój brat boską stronkę stworzył congratulations!
Nick:Ulka Dodano:2005-01-28 09:57:35 Wpis:O kurde Chmiel normalnie jestem w szoku Jedno wiem na pewno to najlepsza stronak w sieci. Przydałoby się tylko jakiegos czata wrzucić tutaj, żeby Augustowskie Pijaczki nie musiały być skazane na gg czy epulsa :*
Nick:chmiel Dodano:2005-01-27 23:24:22 Wpis:Ruszam Panowie Panie